Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire??? ME

One of these days, I am gonna be RICH. Not wealthy, but STINKING RICH. How, do you say, am I gonna accomplish this? Well, I promise that it will NOT be from hard work. Not to say that I don't work hard at my job, it is just that I don't really want to go to work anymore. I would rather stay home with my family. Which I will do, when I am STINKING RICH!

Since hard labor isn't going to make me my millions, I have to find another way.


1) Win the LOTTERY- probably not going to happen. Not because the odds are like 1 in a million, but because I don't play...

2) Have a rich relative kick the bucket- NOPE. Not me. Pretty sure I don't have any rich relatives. I don't even have a relative NAMED Rich.

3) Scratch-off lotto tickets- The problem with this is simple. If I pay say $2.00 apiece for 5 scratch-offs, and win $2.00 in the process, I feel like it is my lucky day. And, I will take said winnings, along with another $4 or $6, and buy MORE tickets, because HEY if I won once, the BIG WINNER has to be there, just waiting for the next person. And if I don't buy more tickets, the next guy may win! (this mind-frame also works if I win nothing on the initial 5 tickets, because what are the odds that the next one is a winner???)

4) Slot machines- see number 3. Same principle.

5) Slipping and injuring myself (or the like) at a super-center, food establishment, etc. Well, I have not got the gumption to intentionally injure myself in this way, and if I did, I would probably end up in a wheelchair for life, and the super-center's lawyers would probably find some way to prove I did it intentionally, and I would end up working off my remaining days as a greeter(in a wheelchair) to pay off the fines of false accusation/slander...

6) Playing the stock market (see item number 1)... You have to have money to PLAY the stock market, or know something about the stock market for this to work.

7) Have 10 more kids and go on welfare... (hmmm, gonna have to give this one some thought, lol)

Thats it. Cannot come up with any more Get-Rich-Quick schemes that aren't illegal.

On a positive note, yesterday at the grocery store I bought two boxes of Golden Grahams. When I got them home, Matthew pointed out that 1 in 10 boxes of said cereal contained a CASH CARD! "Yeah, right!" I thought to myself... "Like that will ever happen." This morning the kids wanted cereal for breakfast. I made them both bowls of Trix, and opened up the first box of Golden Grahams for myself. Low and behold, THERE WAS A CASH CARD INSIDE!!!! I won $5!!!! So, children, I don't know if you like Golden Grahams, but if not, SUCK IT UP. They are still on sale. I can get 2 1/2 more boxes with this $5!!!!

(oh, and I opened the other box, incidentally...no cash card. Gonna have to eat alot of cereal today so Hubby doesn't figure out I opened the second box just to find out if there was another cash card...)


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