Monday, March 30, 2009

My Children Are Destined For Greatness!

Today was the first day of baseball practice for Luke. Matthew has decided not to play this year. I have been waiting for this day ever since the last day of last season. Luke moved up into the 9-10 yr old league this year. This is the year that the kids start pitching, not just hitting off of a pitching machine. Matthew was in this league last year, but he never cared much for pitching. My boys have played baseball since they were old enough to, and have always been the kids in the outfield, playing in the dirt. And, yes, that WAS Luke that did a cartwheel mid-game a couple years ago...

Towards the end of last season, after one of Matthew's games, the boys were playing around with some other kids. They were taking turns pitching and hitting. They decided to let Luke pitch for awhile, because everyone wanted to bat. So, up comes Luke to the pitcher's mound. I was feeling a little sorry for him as he stood there preparing to make his first pitch, because he never has tried, and all the other kids out there were in the league ahead of him. SOOO, he wound up, pitched, I cringed, and.... THE BALL WENT STRAIGHT WHERE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO!!! And, to top it off, he had the SPEED as well as the ACCURACY! WOW! So, I thought it was a fluke, so I hollered at him to do it again. Guess what? The kid can PITCH! Over the plate, fast, with as much if not more accuracy than the kids actually in that league! So, I assume this means he will be the next ____________(fill in the blank here with the name of a famous pitcher, I don't really know baseball all that well.)

So, we went to practice today. He did really well at the pitching, catching, fielding, etc. THEN it was his turn to bat..........(notice the extra dots here, I am stalling). Well, that didn't go so well. I think they must have thrown 20 pitches to him, and he only managed to hit 3, and not very hard. Conclusion: the coach must be a sucky pitcher, lol. Maybe Luke could give him lessons!!!

I am happy to see I have another follower! My friend Heather has joined the crew! Miss you Heather!!!

On a more disturbing note, I had to delete a follower already. His name was something like Ali Baba or the like. I clicked on his profile, and followed a link, and it was all about the rise of Islam or something or the other, I can't read Islamic. But, there were pictures of DECOMPOSING BODIES!!! This was enough to convince me that he was not the kind of follower I wanted... Wonder what in the world made him follow my sight?? Don't believe I have mentioned anything remotely Islamic....OR anything about dead people... CREEPY

Well, enough for now. Take care until next time!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Woes of the Hypochondriac

I have some disturbing news. I have a horrible, incurable illness. It is known well in the medical world, and its prognosis is dreary at best. I believe it is familial, because I have had it as long as I can remember. This disease is called HYPOCHONDRIA.

The following is a list of diseases that I believed that myself or someone in my immediate family suffered from as a result of nursing school (something that is not the best idea in the world for someone suffering from this infliction. Give a hypochondriac a book full of symptoms, they will be dying within a day.)

1. Heart attack- still up in the air about this one. Maybe not a heart attack, per se, but something cardiac related going on....

2. Pulmonary embolism- For this one I did end up in ER. I was officially diagnosed with a severe panic attack, but still believe that the clot must have dissolved before I reached the hospital.

3. Breast cancer- Yep. Had a lump, had to have a needle aspiration done. Everything was fine. Funny thing was, when I found the lump, I ignored it for almost a YEAR before I told a doctor about it. Hypochondriacs think they have every disease in the world, but they don't want to DIE. The lump was REAL, and I was afraid to find out what it was.

4. Brain tumor- ER, they couldn't find anything, lol. (now that is a suprise!)

5. Gallbladder disease- ER on several occasions, so far, my gallbladder is the picture of health.

6. Appendicitis- HA! This one was REAL!!! lucky me!

7. Prostatitis- LMAO! I had every single symptom, except for the prostate...

8. Hypothyroidism- I wish someone would tell me I had this, it would account for the weight gain, dry skin, depression, hair loss, etc.

9. Ileus- this was after the appendicitis. Didn't really have an ileus, incidentally. But, word to the wise... generic ibuprofen and generic pericolace (stool softener/laxative combo) are almost IDENTICAL. I found this out the hard way. I was taking what I THOUGHT was 3 ibuprofen every 6 hrs...ended up it was 3 pericolace every 6...when my "ileus" cleared up, LORD ALMIGHTY was it bad!

10. Skin cancer- Had a funky mole-like area on my forehead. Went to Dr. about it, because it had just appeared out of nowhere. I was supposed to go back the next week for a biopsy, which was going to involve a sizable cut. The day after my initial appointment, I was looking in the mirror at it, and I lightly scraped at it, and it fell off... (oops). It was just a scab.

Then there was the time, when my daughter was about 2, that I took her to the ER, absolutely in a panic. I was still in nursing school at this time. We were studying upper respiratory infections. I was convinced that she had Histoplasmosis. After the ER doc examined her, listened to my story of why I believed she had this particular disease, he told me she was fine, and that he wanted me to write him a 2 page report on how Histoplasmosis was transmitted. (OK, OK. Apparently, it cannot be contracted by oral ingestion of bird poop. But, EWWWW. )

Anyway, luckily nursing school is far behind me now. And I am older, more mature, more knowledgeable. Nowadays, when I get convinced that I have some horrible disease, I just call my doctor or his nurse, and they patiently listen to me, and talk me down. (and I am sure, laugh their A$$E$ off when they hang up the phone).

Addiction, Such a Funny Thing...

Some people are prone to addiction. Others, not so much. I come from a family with a higher than average addictive nature. This is a list of some things that I may (or may not) have a slight addiction to:

1. AMBIEN- most definately an addiction, and I am not ashamed of it. Yes, I have said and done things that I do not remember while under its gauzy, dreamlike influence, but dammit, I sleep soooo good, so that makes up for it. Right???

2. Diet Pepsi- yep.. Although, for the record, I do try to do half caffeinated and half decaffeinated, at least most of the time.

3. Sleep- see addiction #1

4. Cadbury eggs- this is a seasonal addiction. I don't really have other holiday-related candy addictions. Just Easter candy. I love me some Peeps too. And you can get Peeps for any occasion. There are ghost Peeps, pumpkin Peeps, Christmas tree Peeps, snowman Peeps, heart shaped Peeps, and bat Peeps. I am sure there are others... The thing I don't understand is, why are they still called Peeps, if they aren't shaped like chickens??? I guess most of the above mentioned Peep shapes wouldn't have a particular sound associated with them...

5. American Idol- YES. I know, this is stupid. And I will probably hate the show if/when Adam Lambert gets voted off. Although I am convinced that he is gonna win, and that he is possibly the antiChrist. LONG story.

6. Blogging- this is a very new addiction, but I fear it may become a big one. Wonder if they make some kind of anti-blogging patch or something?? I bet I could probably get people to buy them for me, just to shut me up..

7. Potato chips with catsup- (was that a collective EWWW I just heard??)

8. My phone and/or texting- this particular obsession has gotten me in trouble at work, so now I am forced to leave it where it is inaccessible when on the clock.

9. TETRIS- also a new addiction. Don't know exactly how it happened, but I fall asleep some nights trying to clear lines in my head...

10. Popping pimples- there went that collective EWWWW again. But, there is a select group of you that shares this obsession... don't even try to deny it, I have TALKED TO YOU ABOUT IT!

Ok. Enough of that. Gonna go chitchat with the ladies.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Much To Do About Not a Dang Thing

I have discovered that when my husband and I, or my kids and I, argue, it usually boils down to absolutlely nothing. Nothing is accomplished, everyone is mad, everyone's feelings are hurt, and usually, noone can remember WHY we argued in the first place. So, my question is, What is the point? Why argue if we aren't even gonna remember WHY we argued in the first place? I think maybe I should keep a little tape player, and record the arguments, so I can prove for once and for all that not only did I not START the argument, but I am completely justified in whatever I said IN the argument...

(maybe that isn't a good idea...could bite me in the derrier)

Anyway, enough about that. I think it is best if I just stay comfortable in the idea that I am INDEED always right. No need for proof...

St. Patrick's Day isn't too far in the past. This year, Luke decided that he just HAD to find a 4 leaf clover on St. Patrick's Day. Now, maybe 4 leaf clovers don't develop until later in the year or something, I don't know. All I know is we looked ALOT and never found a single one. Just when we were about to give up all hope, (about 4 days into the hunt), Luke found IRREFUTABLE PROOF that there HAS to be 4 leaf clovers somewhere. He brought my husband and I HALF of a 4 leaf clover. Yes, thats right! 2 leaves. Ok, some of you may be skeptical, saying "sure, maybe it was a 3 leaf clover and he just pulled one of the leaves off!" . OKAY, and MAYBE Santa actually uses a HELICOPTER and not flying reindeer, and the Easter Bunny doesn't really lay colored eggs... If you want to dash your children's childhood fantasies, that is fine by me. But, I will keep that 1/2 of a 4 leaf clover at least until we can find one with all 4 leaves, and will remember it fondly for years to come!

Well, I guess I probably better do something vaguely work-related, so I can justify being here. I may post again later tonight, after everyone goes to sleep for the night. Until then, see ya!

Friday, March 27, 2009


THIS is the life!!!! I have actual followers!!! Thank you to all... Cadbury eggs to follow to each of you! Now, I will have to be careful on what I say, since actual people are gonna view it. Just kidding, I will just be me.

Anywhoo. Today has been a friggin BLAST! Not gonna elaborate too much on that, except to say, Ain't life grand???? Sometimes, its like a box of chocolates..blah blah blah.. other times, it is like a jar of Jalapenos, what you choose today comes back to burn your butt tomorrow.

Well, I must go now. I am being paged. By a jar of jalapenos....

Then I Woke Up, Realizing I Wasn't Blogging, I Was Dreaming About Blogging

Well, that was interesting. I went to bed after posting my first official blog, and then proceeded to blog-dream all night long! Boy, if I was able to remember some of the hilarious things I blogged about, you all would be SOOO entertained right now! I came up with titles, subtitles, HECK, I almost had a whole outline done!

As I stated above, I just got up. Can't really use the excuse of having worked last night since I was home by midnight... I am just thoroughly lazy. This irritates the CRAP out of my husband, who has to get up at 5:30 every morning, and feels like I should do the same, on principle...(what is a principle, anyway??)

I had a dream last night that I thought I was having a heart attack. My left arm was hurting something awful, and my heart was pounding at about 1,000 beats per minute. When I actually woke up, I discovered that my heart was indeed pounding away, although not quite as fast as I was dreaming, and my left arm WAS killing me...because I was laying on it! The heart pounding was probably brought on by my own personal brand of hypochondria, the kind where you know JUST ENOUGH to make hypochondria dangerous. You can basically talk yourself in to any symptom... scary, huh?

The arm thing brings me to a topic that I have long wanted to discuss... Wouldn't it be neato if we could remove our arms at bedtime?? This would solve the whole problem of sleeping limbs. I have wanted this ability since I was like 6, problem was I could never figure out how to remove the second arm. Would you have to have someone remove it for you??? Then, who would remove THEIR second arm? The dog? or cat, or turtle (if you grew up in my childhood home, the last option would be most likely..). One of these days, someone is going to patent an arm-removal machine, and you will all be like "wow, Marci could have been a millionaire!!!" JUST WAIT!

I am trying to get my brother, Rob, to create a blog. He is friggin hilarious. Of course, my blog will have no humor compared to his, so I am not sure if I will link to it or not... (not that I know HOW to link, but maybe one day I will figure it out).

Man, I wish I could remember some of the blogging material I came up with last night.. but right now I have writer's block, or dreamer's block, or something's block. But, when I get my memory back, wow o wow will you all be impressed!

I did have a really strange dream about my Grandma Melvin last night. (actually it was more like this morning). I dreamed she drove to my house, and she had DRUGS with her! And, as she was preparing said-drugs for consumption, I realized I was dreaming, because not only did my Grandma not do drugs, but more importantly, SHE DIDN'T DRIVE!!!! So, there was no way this was reality...OH YEAH, and she died a little over a year ago, that was a big tip right there...even my Ghost Grandma Melvin would have never been drugging and driving...

I think maybe my next blog should be all about my completely dysfunctional childhood...or maybe not... should probably wait on that until someone actually reads my blog. MAYBE, I can get ROB to blog about our completely dysfunctional childhood, and then only tell certain people about his blog!!! YEAH! He would make it funnier anyways. I would probably just depress everyone.

I guess I will wrap this up. But, fear not, I will be back to post again as soon as I can remember something I wanted to blog about!!!

ps- Megan and Matt, I am praying hard for you. God will take care of you all. - Marci

Here I go, for better or (probably) for worse...

Ok. I have been trying to avoid the temptation, but can no longer resist the call of the blog... So. Here I am.. Wonder if stuff is just supposed to pour out of me, or if I should actually put some thought in what I write? I think I will just wing it and see how it goes!

I am the proud mommy of three of the world's most beautiful children (as far as I am concerned...). I have a 16 yr old daughter, Kassandra, who is soon going to be 30. Absolutely beautiful, and slightly sarcastic...
Then there is Matthew,age 10, who (aside from being a genius like his mother) is the spitting image of his daddy. NOT that by saying that I am implying his dad is not a smart man. But, trust me, he got the smarts from my half of the gene pool. Lastly, but not leastly, there is Luke, who is 9. He is my DEEP THINKER. He talked later, walked later, and generally did everything later than the other two did, but once he got going, WOW. I am pretty sure he has not stopped talking for the last 7 years. Except when he is asleep. Then, I believe he is plotting what to talk about the next day. (He MAY have picked this particular trait up from me, I am not sure.)

I have two brothers and a sister (maybe more, but I will save that for a later blog...aaahhh, the suspense...). My just slightly younger brother Rob, who is 32, is the comedian of the family. He can tell the most depressing stories about life, and you literally laugh until you pee. Or at least, if you have had children this happens... Then there is my 20 yr old brother, Stan. He was born when I was 16, so I helped raise him. And, he is gay. (I really think maybe somehow I caused this, possibly by feeding him lemon juice when he was 6 months old, just to see the faces he would make. Hey, I was only 16, and it was funny...) He is in college, having the time of his life, and, alas, has no time for his once favorite person in the And then there is Jessica. She is my sistor (yes, I know I spelled it wrong, but you have to imagine it being said with a Spanish accent; little private joke between the two of us). She is 17, a whopping 7 months senior to my Kasey. She is a little shy (to put it mildly), beautiful, smart, and one of the best dang babysitters around~!

I am married to the love of my life, Ernie. Whole-nother future post, that story. We were married last month.

The grammar, punctuation, and anything else vaguely related to English class, will probably be a little off-kilter in my blog, because I SUCKED at English. Hated it with a passion. My mother excelled at it though, so maybe eventually I can get her to proof-read for me. She is a wonderful woman. We have done just about everything together, such as being pregnant at the same time, and graduating from nursing school together. She is one of my bestest friends.

I am a labor and delivery nurse, have been for almost 14 years. It is all the fault of co-workers that I have decided to do this, so blame them if you hate my blog. : )

Well, that is about it for this post. Thank you for reading, I hope I can come up with stuff to write about that doesn't scare my friends away, and keeps you mildly entertained, mostly at my expense.