Saturday, March 28, 2009

Much To Do About Not a Dang Thing

I have discovered that when my husband and I, or my kids and I, argue, it usually boils down to absolutlely nothing. Nothing is accomplished, everyone is mad, everyone's feelings are hurt, and usually, noone can remember WHY we argued in the first place. So, my question is, What is the point? Why argue if we aren't even gonna remember WHY we argued in the first place? I think maybe I should keep a little tape player, and record the arguments, so I can prove for once and for all that not only did I not START the argument, but I am completely justified in whatever I said IN the argument...

(maybe that isn't a good idea...could bite me in the derrier)

Anyway, enough about that. I think it is best if I just stay comfortable in the idea that I am INDEED always right. No need for proof...

St. Patrick's Day isn't too far in the past. This year, Luke decided that he just HAD to find a 4 leaf clover on St. Patrick's Day. Now, maybe 4 leaf clovers don't develop until later in the year or something, I don't know. All I know is we looked ALOT and never found a single one. Just when we were about to give up all hope, (about 4 days into the hunt), Luke found IRREFUTABLE PROOF that there HAS to be 4 leaf clovers somewhere. He brought my husband and I HALF of a 4 leaf clover. Yes, thats right! 2 leaves. Ok, some of you may be skeptical, saying "sure, maybe it was a 3 leaf clover and he just pulled one of the leaves off!" . OKAY, and MAYBE Santa actually uses a HELICOPTER and not flying reindeer, and the Easter Bunny doesn't really lay colored eggs... If you want to dash your children's childhood fantasies, that is fine by me. But, I will keep that 1/2 of a 4 leaf clover at least until we can find one with all 4 leaves, and will remember it fondly for years to come!

Well, I guess I probably better do something vaguely work-related, so I can justify being here. I may post again later tonight, after everyone goes to sleep for the night. Until then, see ya!

1 comment:

  1. You have to love a child enthusiasm, and just so EVERYONE KNOWS! THEY EXIST! I have found a 2 leaf clover as well...
