Friday, March 27, 2009

Then I Woke Up, Realizing I Wasn't Blogging, I Was Dreaming About Blogging

Well, that was interesting. I went to bed after posting my first official blog, and then proceeded to blog-dream all night long! Boy, if I was able to remember some of the hilarious things I blogged about, you all would be SOOO entertained right now! I came up with titles, subtitles, HECK, I almost had a whole outline done!

As I stated above, I just got up. Can't really use the excuse of having worked last night since I was home by midnight... I am just thoroughly lazy. This irritates the CRAP out of my husband, who has to get up at 5:30 every morning, and feels like I should do the same, on principle...(what is a principle, anyway??)

I had a dream last night that I thought I was having a heart attack. My left arm was hurting something awful, and my heart was pounding at about 1,000 beats per minute. When I actually woke up, I discovered that my heart was indeed pounding away, although not quite as fast as I was dreaming, and my left arm WAS killing me...because I was laying on it! The heart pounding was probably brought on by my own personal brand of hypochondria, the kind where you know JUST ENOUGH to make hypochondria dangerous. You can basically talk yourself in to any symptom... scary, huh?

The arm thing brings me to a topic that I have long wanted to discuss... Wouldn't it be neato if we could remove our arms at bedtime?? This would solve the whole problem of sleeping limbs. I have wanted this ability since I was like 6, problem was I could never figure out how to remove the second arm. Would you have to have someone remove it for you??? Then, who would remove THEIR second arm? The dog? or cat, or turtle (if you grew up in my childhood home, the last option would be most likely..). One of these days, someone is going to patent an arm-removal machine, and you will all be like "wow, Marci could have been a millionaire!!!" JUST WAIT!

I am trying to get my brother, Rob, to create a blog. He is friggin hilarious. Of course, my blog will have no humor compared to his, so I am not sure if I will link to it or not... (not that I know HOW to link, but maybe one day I will figure it out).

Man, I wish I could remember some of the blogging material I came up with last night.. but right now I have writer's block, or dreamer's block, or something's block. But, when I get my memory back, wow o wow will you all be impressed!

I did have a really strange dream about my Grandma Melvin last night. (actually it was more like this morning). I dreamed she drove to my house, and she had DRUGS with her! And, as she was preparing said-drugs for consumption, I realized I was dreaming, because not only did my Grandma not do drugs, but more importantly, SHE DIDN'T DRIVE!!!! So, there was no way this was reality...OH YEAH, and she died a little over a year ago, that was a big tip right there...even my Ghost Grandma Melvin would have never been drugging and driving...

I think maybe my next blog should be all about my completely dysfunctional childhood...or maybe not... should probably wait on that until someone actually reads my blog. MAYBE, I can get ROB to blog about our completely dysfunctional childhood, and then only tell certain people about his blog!!! YEAH! He would make it funnier anyways. I would probably just depress everyone.

I guess I will wrap this up. But, fear not, I will be back to post again as soon as I can remember something I wanted to blog about!!!

ps- Megan and Matt, I am praying hard for you. God will take care of you all. - Marci

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Another blog I can follow when I can't sleep at night and I am curious about what is happening in my friends lives. Welcome to bloggin. You have more guts than me.
