Friday, March 27, 2009

Here I go, for better or (probably) for worse...

Ok. I have been trying to avoid the temptation, but can no longer resist the call of the blog... So. Here I am.. Wonder if stuff is just supposed to pour out of me, or if I should actually put some thought in what I write? I think I will just wing it and see how it goes!

I am the proud mommy of three of the world's most beautiful children (as far as I am concerned...). I have a 16 yr old daughter, Kassandra, who is soon going to be 30. Absolutely beautiful, and slightly sarcastic...
Then there is Matthew,age 10, who (aside from being a genius like his mother) is the spitting image of his daddy. NOT that by saying that I am implying his dad is not a smart man. But, trust me, he got the smarts from my half of the gene pool. Lastly, but not leastly, there is Luke, who is 9. He is my DEEP THINKER. He talked later, walked later, and generally did everything later than the other two did, but once he got going, WOW. I am pretty sure he has not stopped talking for the last 7 years. Except when he is asleep. Then, I believe he is plotting what to talk about the next day. (He MAY have picked this particular trait up from me, I am not sure.)

I have two brothers and a sister (maybe more, but I will save that for a later blog...aaahhh, the suspense...). My just slightly younger brother Rob, who is 32, is the comedian of the family. He can tell the most depressing stories about life, and you literally laugh until you pee. Or at least, if you have had children this happens... Then there is my 20 yr old brother, Stan. He was born when I was 16, so I helped raise him. And, he is gay. (I really think maybe somehow I caused this, possibly by feeding him lemon juice when he was 6 months old, just to see the faces he would make. Hey, I was only 16, and it was funny...) He is in college, having the time of his life, and, alas, has no time for his once favorite person in the And then there is Jessica. She is my sistor (yes, I know I spelled it wrong, but you have to imagine it being said with a Spanish accent; little private joke between the two of us). She is 17, a whopping 7 months senior to my Kasey. She is a little shy (to put it mildly), beautiful, smart, and one of the best dang babysitters around~!

I am married to the love of my life, Ernie. Whole-nother future post, that story. We were married last month.

The grammar, punctuation, and anything else vaguely related to English class, will probably be a little off-kilter in my blog, because I SUCKED at English. Hated it with a passion. My mother excelled at it though, so maybe eventually I can get her to proof-read for me. She is a wonderful woman. We have done just about everything together, such as being pregnant at the same time, and graduating from nursing school together. She is one of my bestest friends.

I am a labor and delivery nurse, have been for almost 14 years. It is all the fault of co-workers that I have decided to do this, so blame them if you hate my blog. : )

Well, that is about it for this post. Thank you for reading, I hope I can come up with stuff to write about that doesn't scare my friends away, and keeps you mildly entertained, mostly at my expense.


  1. Lookie, a comment! From myself! whoever sees this please let me know why it says I posted this at 9:19 pm, when in actuality I posted at 12:45 AM on the 27th???

  2. Welcome to blogging! It posts the time you start the entry, not when you actually post it.

  3. actually, i was on mountain time...think i got it fixed, lol
