Sunday, March 29, 2009

Addiction, Such a Funny Thing...

Some people are prone to addiction. Others, not so much. I come from a family with a higher than average addictive nature. This is a list of some things that I may (or may not) have a slight addiction to:

1. AMBIEN- most definately an addiction, and I am not ashamed of it. Yes, I have said and done things that I do not remember while under its gauzy, dreamlike influence, but dammit, I sleep soooo good, so that makes up for it. Right???

2. Diet Pepsi- yep.. Although, for the record, I do try to do half caffeinated and half decaffeinated, at least most of the time.

3. Sleep- see addiction #1

4. Cadbury eggs- this is a seasonal addiction. I don't really have other holiday-related candy addictions. Just Easter candy. I love me some Peeps too. And you can get Peeps for any occasion. There are ghost Peeps, pumpkin Peeps, Christmas tree Peeps, snowman Peeps, heart shaped Peeps, and bat Peeps. I am sure there are others... The thing I don't understand is, why are they still called Peeps, if they aren't shaped like chickens??? I guess most of the above mentioned Peep shapes wouldn't have a particular sound associated with them...

5. American Idol- YES. I know, this is stupid. And I will probably hate the show if/when Adam Lambert gets voted off. Although I am convinced that he is gonna win, and that he is possibly the antiChrist. LONG story.

6. Blogging- this is a very new addiction, but I fear it may become a big one. Wonder if they make some kind of anti-blogging patch or something?? I bet I could probably get people to buy them for me, just to shut me up..

7. Potato chips with catsup- (was that a collective EWWW I just heard??)

8. My phone and/or texting- this particular obsession has gotten me in trouble at work, so now I am forced to leave it where it is inaccessible when on the clock.

9. TETRIS- also a new addiction. Don't know exactly how it happened, but I fall asleep some nights trying to clear lines in my head...

10. Popping pimples- there went that collective EWWWW again. But, there is a select group of you that shares this obsession... don't even try to deny it, I have TALKED TO YOU ABOUT IT!

Ok. Enough of that. Gonna go chitchat with the ladies.


  1. I share four of your addictions... Can you guess which ones?

  2. diet pepsi, SLEEP, cadbury eggs, and, um, texting???
